Entries for the Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers and the Top 50 SME Apprenticeship Employers for 2025 are subject to the following terms and conditions:
Entries will only be accepted when submitted via the official online entry form before the entry deadline of 11:59pm on Wednesday 30th April 2025.
Entries cannot be amended after the entry deadline has passed.
By submitting the nomination form, entrants certify that the information provided is accurate and complete and agree to take part in a short follow-up data check by email or telephone as part of the process to verify the data that I am submitting.
The organisers cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage of any entry. All entry forms will be acknowledged.
The minimum entry requirements for employers entering the Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers are that the employer must have:
a workforce of 250 employees or more
employ a minimum of 10 apprentices
receive a minimum of 10 eligible reviews from apprentices on RateMyApprenticeship.co.uk
The minimum entry requirements for employers entering the Top 50 SME Apprenticeship Employers are that the employer must have:
a workforce of between 10 - 249 employees
employ a minimum of 3 apprentices
receive a minimum of 1 eligible review from an apprentice on RateMyApprenticeship.co.uk
All entries will be vetted and verified for accuracy before being assessed and scored.
Entrants may be required to take part in a follow-up data check by email or telephone as part of the vetting and verification process.
Entries may be edited by the organisers to correct any erroneous data or administrative information provided.
Should it come to light that there are issues, whether ethical or factual, pertaining to any entry, the organisers reserve the right to withdraw the entry.
The one hundred entries from larger employers (with 250 or more employees) with the highest scores will be ranked to form the Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers for 2025. The fifty entries from SME employers (with fewer than 250 employees) with the highest scores will be ranked to form the Top 50 SME Apprenticeship Employers for 2025.
The organisers’ decisions will be final and no correspondence or discussion will be entered into.
Information supplied in entries that are ranked in the Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers and the Top 50 SME Apprenticeship Employers may be published or announced at the launch event for the rankings and in subsequent publicity associated with the rankings. Commercially sensitive information will not be shared.
The organisers reserve the right to cancel or amend the Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers and the Top 50 SME Apprenticeship Employers and these terms and conditions without notice for any event that is outside of the organisers’ reasonable control.
It is the responsibility of entrants to keep themselves informed as to any changes to the terms and conditions of entry. The latest version of the Terms and Conditions will always be available on the Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers website (www.top-apprenticeshipemployers.co.uk).